Noviomagus. Op deze veel gelezen blog wordt uiteraard aandacht besteed aan de hier ter stede georganiseerde internationale conferentie over de invloed van het EU-recht op ons Burgerlijk recht en dat van andere landen van de EU. Deze conferentie vindt plaats op dinsdag 4 april a.s. ’s middags te Den Haag in het Vredespaleis. Onder anderen de Nijmeegse hoogleraren Arthur Hartkamp en Carla Sieburgh, die als geen ander gespecialiseerd zijn in de invloed van het EU-recht op ons Burgerlijk recht, zullen spreken op deze conferentie. Aanleiding voor de conferentie is de verschijning van het Ius Commune Casebook on European Law and Private Law. Hartkamp en Sieburgh behoren tot de drijvende krachten achter dit fraaie werk.
Deelname aan de conferentie zij van harte aanbevolen. Niet onbelangrijk: deelname levert drie opleidingspunten op.
Hieronder staat de officiële tekst van de organisatie van de conferentie. (Uiteraard is de organisatie er graag mee akkoord.)
The impact of EU law on national private law
Competition, internal market, directives, ex officio application
4 April 2017 | Peace Palace The Hague | 3 CPE credits
Dear colleague,
Please be invited to the international conference on The impact of EU law on national private law; competition, internal market, directives, ex officio application in the Peace Palace in The Hague in the afternoon of 4 April. The conference is organised by the Business & Law Research Centre (OO&R) and the Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPO) of the Radboud University, Nijmegen. It finds its immediate cause in the publication of the Ius Commune Casebook on European Law and Private Law. The focus is on the horizontal effects of EU law, which is to say its effects on relationships between individuals, and mainly lies on the developments relating to primary EU law and their influence on national private law. Renowned experts from both academia and legal practice will discuss instances where EU primary law has already directly or indirectly influenced the case law in the Member States, or where it is expected to do so soon.
Ius Commune Casebook on European Law and Private Law
The Ius Commune Casebook on European Law and Private Law highlights developments in the areas of competition law, fundamental freedoms, non-discrimination, general principles of EU law, ex officio application of provisions of EU law and implementation of directives, including harmonious interpretation and Francovich liability. In its analysis of the ways in which EU law interacts with private law, the book will be an invaluable resource to practitioners, academics and students of EU private law. Participants who purchase the book upon registering for the conference will profit from a discount.
The areas to be discussed during the conference are competition law, fundamental freedoms and the implementation of directives in relation with ex officio application. The presentations pursue three aims: presenting important results, making clear how to find thought provoking caselaw, and engaging the audience in a discussion on the state of the art and future developments. Speakers include Jeroen Kortmann (attorney Stibbe Amsterdam), Paul Nihoul (judge CJEU), Peter Oliver (barrister Monckton Chambers London), Christiaan Timmermans (former judge CJEU) and the editors of the book Wouter Devroe (KU Leuven), Arthur Hartkamp (Radboud University) and Carla Sieburgh (Radboud University).
For more information and registration, please visit the website of the CPO by clicking here.
With best wishes,
Prof. dr. Carla Sieburgh, Professor of Private Law, Radboud University